My Mission is to help you play better & more consistently by teaching you how to use the natural ability of your mind and body, so you realise it is far more powerful and intelligent than any technology on the outside.

Scott Cranfield - PGA Master Professional & Intuitive Golf Teacher

My Mission is to help you play better & more consistently by teaching you how to use the natural ability of your mind and body, so you realise it is far more powerful and intelligent than any technology on the outside.

By applying the principles I teach, you will feel in control of your movement, and the golf ball.  You know your swing is never going to look like someone else’s swing, and nor should it, you just want your swing to work and to feel like you own it and understand it!

That’s what I will teach you!  If you believe the same then maybe you are ready for a new approach.

My approach is the result of 35+ years of experience, teaching beginners through to Ryder Cup Players and working with some of the best minds in the fields of psychology and anatomy.  I have challenged the status quo to give you a fresh, new and natural way to play better golf!

Whether I work with you 1 to 1, Virtually, or at one of my Intuitive Golf Experiences, I will help you get control of your game in the easiest and most natural way possible.

Choose the best coaching for you below.

1 to 1 Coaching

This can either be in person, or through my popular Intuitive Golfer Virtual Program

By learning the principles of being an Intuitive Golfer, you will take owenership of your game and technique and have a personal blueprint for playing your best golf.

All 1 to 1 coaching starts with a Swing Evaluation and Game Assessment.  To find out more click here


1 to 1 Coaching

This can either be in person, or through my popular Intuitive Golfer Virtual Program

By learning the principles of being an Intuitive Golfer, you will take owenership of your game and technique and have a personal blueprint for playing your best golf.

All 1 to 1 coaching starts with a Swing Evaluation and Game Assessment.  To find out more click here


The Intuitive Golfer Ultimate Virtual Program is a unique way to get unlimited coaching when you want it, at a fraction of the cost of in person coaching.

All lessons are personal and specific to your game. All areas of the game covered.

100 % of clients on the Ultimate Virtual Program said they golf is improving, and they would recommend the program to others. Want to join them? Click here to find out more.

The Intuitive Golfer Mastermind 2024 - Sold Out: Register Now For 2025

This is my Signature Program. Work with me over 6 months to learn the full Intuitive Golf experience.

Each workshop builds on the previous one, so you have a blueprint for your success. The Mastermind is up to date with my latest research covering principles that will make a
difference to your golf game.

The Mastermind is a mix of small group workshops (max 12) and 1 to 1 coaching with here


The Intuitive Golfer Mastermind 2024 - Sold Out: Register Now For 2025

This is my Signature Program. Work with me over 6 months to learn the full Intuitive Golf experience.

Each workshop builds on the previous one, so you have a blueprint for your success. The Mastermind is up to date with my latest research covering principles that will make a
difference to your golf game.

The Mastermind is a mix of small group workshops (max 12) and 1 to 1 coaching with here


The Intuitive Golf Experience

Learn A Natural Approach That Requires No Special Talent… It Works Every Time And No One Else Is Telling You About It!

On this 3 Day experience, you'll discover how to take charge of your own golf by learning the truth about how your mind & body work.

These techniques will dissolve the stress in your golf, boost your confidence, and make playing golf fun again! (max 8 spaces)

Intuitive Golf Book - How To Unlock Your Natural Ability

Free copies available!
